Tessa-Jay is the festival fun loving blogger from CIRCA NOW. We pulled her aside to ask her a couple of things about herself, her blog and her MHQ loves.
1. When did you start your blog and what made you want to begin blogging?
I started in 2008 when blogging had just started to take off. I wanted to express myself, my fav pics and fashion. Not on a large scale more so with just my friends, but it just took off and i love that everyone else is interested :)
I love seeing what everyone else comes up with and what the fellow bloggers are loving. Its like reading a new magazine everyday with new inspiration!
3. Where do you find your inspiration for outfits?
From fellow bloggers, my best friends, magazines and my fav models/muses eg: Kate Bosworth, Jess Hart
4. What are your Top 3 Australian Labels?
Shakuhachi, Friend of Mine, Bassike
5. If you could travel to any place in the world to be a global blogger for a week, where would you go and why?
I loved my trip to USA and want to go back now...but my next trip is going to be through Europe. So I would say Greece and Italy. I would love to see the european style...and of course, test out the shopping!
6. If you could pick 5 items off MHQ right now, which would they be?
-MINKPINK Wishful Thinking Polka Dot dress
-SOMEDAYS LOVIN Slippery Lie Bodycon Dress
-EVIL TWIN Middle of Nowhere Shirt
-MINKPINK SWIM Jewel Illuison Kaftan
-SOLES Cashew 'Boot This'
All perfect for summer!!!! I also love the new brand on MHQ 'I LIKE WOLVES' ... want it all!!
7. What piece (clothing/accessory/footwear) in your wardrobe do you wear more than any other?
All my basics; black tank dress.
I love floral mini dresses.
My Country Road ankle boots...i have about 5 pairs!
My Longchamp bags!
8. What quote/motto do you live by?
Visit CIRCA NOW - right here, right now
Visit CIRCA NOW - right here, right now
ahh blis adore her blog good lil interview xx A Fox That Meows ♥
ReplyDeleteMoving to Oz in 3 weeks and so have noted down the labels to check them out when I get there and following the blog! Thanks for the Tips!
ReplyDeleteI think the images of the girl standing behind guns is totally disturbing.
ReplyDeleteI know what you are saying.America has so many problems due to their loose gun laws. Please don’t glamorize this serious issue! I come to your blog to find out what’s in and what’s cool in the world of fashion. By putting images of guns on your fashion blog it suggests that you think guns are fashionable. I know this may not be your deliberate intention but we must all think about what we are putting out there and it’s message.
ReplyDeleteI happen to disagree with the above. This is an Americana shoot and guns have a strong history within America, love it or hate that's the way it is. It's not promoting gang violence or highschool shootings. And it's also not the registered gun owners that are inciting crimes, its the illegal gun trade that causes the bloodshed. I don't think that this beautiful shoot in any way glamorizes guns or violence. Further to that every person has the right to free speech and being offended by something that someone else views as art is your own perogative. Art can be many things, political, beautiful, poetic, violent, disturbing, pornographic and often thought provoking. If we start censoring peoples perceptions of what art is then it all becomes diluted and vanilla and nobody wants that. I don't condone guns, murder, hatred, racism or violence in any way shape or form and I don't percieve this to glorify guns. It is what it is guys and there is obviously no malice or ill intent behind the shoot so I honestly don't see the issue. I love circa now, she is gorgeous and has amazing style and at the end of the day that's what this is all about, fashion and photography... love it xx
ReplyDeleteI happen to disagree with Emmylou. But I think it’s great we are having this discussion at all. Rarely do fashion blogs go deeper into these issues – they are always presented on a superficial level about trends and whatever else. So I want to thank ‘Anonymous’ for starting this discussion and for everyone that’s participated thus far. Everyone has made really interesting points. I personally believe in freedom of speech. It should be the foundation of any democratic society. Nobody on these posts has said otherwise. Freedom of speech means that we can discuss these issues in an open debate. If you read the post by ‘Anonymous’ her or she has never suggested censorship. They are just sharing their view. Obviously ‘Anonymous’ does believe in freedom of speech as they are participating in a democratic form which is blogging. We can all post and share our views! It’s great!
ReplyDeleteIt really doesn’t matter if someone has bought the gun illegally or not - it’s all about what they end up doing with it. You can buy guns at K-mart. As you can imagine there have been many reported incidents of where someone in the US has bought guns legally and used them for evil. This is the reason why many people in the US have openly criticized their own gun policy. Australia does not have the same issues with gun violence as we can’t just buy a gun over the counter!
Fashion photography tries to sell an image based on what’s cool and sexy. Guns aren’t it’s as simple as that. So why feature guns in fashion photography or on a fashion blog??? It doesn’t make sense.
Images and words have power.