The week began with the arrival of MINKPINK coloured denim! You'll want to get poppin and droppin in a pair of these bright babies. Pink, blue, teal and red... every colour for every crazy personality.
We had gorgeous models Emma Norris and Elouise Morris (beware name confusion) in to work it in all the new product including Staple, Cameo and Seneca Rising. Amazing new blue wedges by The Story Of were used in the styling process.
Wednesday just so happened to be "lippy wednesday" where every shade was tried and tested... MAC Morange the popular choice.
Hmmm what else.... MHQ girl Alice went for a walk outside and completely stacked it in the gutter. The re-enactment of that episode caused quite an hysterical fit of laughter.
Just discovered your website and blog and am very excited as about to move to Oz in 3 weeks - now I know where to get my threads once I get there !! Hooraaah! x